domingo, 19 de agosto de 2012

Romney ha recaudado 7 millones este fin de semana en Long Island y Massachusetts

(Foto: Evan Vucci/AP)

Mitt Romney’s raised roughly $7 million at weekend fundraising events --  money that Romney said Saturday he needs and “appreciates” but that such efforts curtail the campaigning he must do in battleground states.

Romney had two events Friday night in the Hamptons, in New York, and one each Saturday in Martha's Vineyard, Nantucket and Cape Cod, all in Massachusetts, said Spencer Zwick, Romney's campaign finance chairman.

Romney told reporters on Martha's Vineyard that President Obama was the first president to reject federal funding for the general election and the spending limits that go with such taxpayer-supplied funds.

"That's a challenge with a president who blew through the federal spending limits,” he said. “It means that campaigns now have to spend a disproportionate amount of time fundraising. You appreciate all the help you get, but you wish you could spend more time on the campaign trail."
Mañana reanudará la campaña con un acto conjunto con Ryan en New Hampshire, pero se espera que inmediatamente después, en la recta final antes de la convención, vuelva a centrarse en la recaudación de fondos con eventos en New Orleans y Texas. Falta solo una semana para la convención.

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