viernes, 24 de agosto de 2012

Chicago moderará el debate vicepresidencial

Cuando se anunciaron los moderadores para los debates de otoño, a nadie le sorprendió ver a Jim Lehrer, Bob Schieffer o Candy Crowley. Sin embargo, todo el mundo se preguntó, ¿por qué Martha Raddatz? ¿Una simple corresponsal que ni siquiera conduce su propio programa? ¿Quién pensó en ella para moderar un debate?

The Daily Caller arroja algo de luz al asunto: 

The moderator of the lone October vice presidential debate was previously married to a top Obama official, an association both ABC News and the left-leaning Commission on Presidential Debates do not view as a conflict of interest.

ABC Senior Foreign Correspondent Martha Raddatz, whose role as moderator was announced on August 13, was previously married to Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski — an Obama appointee.

Genachowki and Raddatz were married in 1991, the same year he graduated from Harvard Law School. Their marriage ended in 1997; the two have a son together. Raddatz does not report on the FCC for ABC News.

Genachowski and classmate Barack Obama worked together on the Harvard Law Review, Genachowski as notes editor and Obama as the publication’s president. They graduated in the same class.

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